Advances in technologies continue to offer new opportunities for understanding brain functioning and brain-behavior interactions. Importantly, technologies offer new opportunities for understanding “cognition in action,” or examining the cognitive demands of everyday activities such as driving. The clinical application of these technologies continues to require the understanding of both the benefits and limitations of integrating these novel methodologies. This workshop will provide an overview of the application of virtual reality technology to inform our knowledge of the cognitive demands of driving capacity following neurological compromise. A discussion of the clinical application of the existing research findings will be presented. Finally, we will briefly highlight some emerging technologies (i.e., portable brain imaging technologies, brain-computer interface devices) that can further contribute to increasing our understanding of brain-behavior functioning and offer opportunities for growing knowledge in new areas.
Learning Objectives:
After the session, participants will be able to:
Describe the benefits and limitations of integrating technology into clinical care.
Explain how virtual reality technology can help assist with functional assessment following neurological compromise.
Compare emerging technologies with respect to their contributions to facilitating understanding of brain-behavior functioning.