Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States
The broader field of psychology has expanded into the realm of positive psychology over the past 20 years. Literature reviews of this same period have indicated that while neuropsychology as a field did not initially embrace a focus on positive aspects of neurobehavioral and cognitive functioning, an increase in brain wellness research and practice has begun to emerge. This presidential address will discuss these trends in the context of an orientation to clinical neuropsychology focused on the study and promotion of brain and cognitive health—positive neuropsychology—that incorporates perspectives from positive psychology. I will review an evidence-based model (C.A.P.E.) that delineates four key domains of brain and cognitive health promotion: cognitive strategies, activity engagement, prevention of cognitive problems, and education about the brain. The value of studying individuals with neuropsychiatric conditions who have positive cognitive outcomes, understanding characteristics of individuals with above normal cognition, and promoting cognitive health in non-traditional settings, will also be considered. More generally, I will discuss neuropsychology’s future as being grounded in our longstanding expertise in discerning cognitive dysfunction, combined with our burgeoning role in translating and applying lifestyle factor science with our patients and the general public.
Learning Objectives:
After the session, participants will be able to:
Summarize historical trends in the neuropsychology literature.
Discuss the importance of brain and cognitive health and the emerging field of positive neuropsychology.
Describe four key domains of brain and cognitive health promotion.
Examine lifestyle factors and practical strategies associated with brain and cognitive health.