Regents Professor & H.L Eastlick Distinguished Professor
Washington State University
Washington State University
Pullman, Washington, United States
Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe is a Regents Professor and H. L. Eastlick Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at Washington State University. Dr. Schmitter-Edgecombe’s laboratory has pioneered novel, ecologically valid methods to assess activities of daily living in real-world environments as well as innovative preventative interventions and compensatory technologies that can support brain health and maintenance of functional independence. The goal of her collaborative work with computer scientists is to extend the functional independence and quality of life of older individuals with neurodegenerative disorders by developing interventions and smart technologies that can promote proactive health care and real-time intervention. Dr. Schmitter-Edgecombe’s work has been continuously funded by more than $20 million in grants including grants from multiple NIH institutes, NSF, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the US Department of Defense. Dr. Schmitter-Edgecombe and her colleagues have also opened the door to new avenues of health and science research and education in the field of Gerontechnology by training a new breed of students in complementary disciplines, including computer science, engineering, psychology and health care. She has authored or co-authored more than 200 publications; many of which have examined the use of technology to enhance data collection methods and to support brain health and everyday functioning.
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30 - Technology Strategies that Support Cognition to Improve Health and Everyday Function
Saturday, October 28, 2023
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM ET