Section Chief & Training Director
South Texas Veterans Health Care System
San Antonio, Texas, United States
Karin JM McCoy, Ph.D., ABPP, is the Neuropsychology Section Chief and Training DIrector of the Clinical Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Program at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System (aka San Antonio VA). The two-year training program has four neuropsychology fellows, and 11 neuropsychologists, of whom five are currently board certified, and one of whom provides assessment in Spanish. Dr. McCoy values excellence in training; she serves as an APA accreditation site visitor and as one of NAN's delgates to the Minnesota Update Conference. Previously she served on the Clinical Neuropsychology Synarchy workgroup to provide feedback to APA regarding neuropsychology competencies. Dr. McCoy is actively involved in NAN; she has served as Program Chair, Member-at-Large, Treasurer, and is currently President Elect. While Program Chair, she established the first "trainee track" (with presentations relevant to, and specifically for, trainees) at the NAN conference. Currently she is the board liasion to NAN's Student and Postdoctoral Resident Committee.
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Postdoctoral Application Workshop
Thursday, October 26, 2023
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET